Engaging Businesses for a Circular Economy

PACT is a business initiative to reduce waste and move towards a circular economy.
Join us!

Started by WWF-Singapore and based on WWF’s No Plastic in Nature InitiativePlastic ACTion (PACT) is a business initiative that aims to reduce waste and move towards a circular economy. The programme empowers companies to adapt their business models and processes to be more resource-efficient. By providing businesses with guidance and best practices, PACT enables them to make science-based decisions for responsible production and consumption. This will lower their environmental footprint, and address the growing consumer demand for sustainability.

Businesses can join via two main approaches – sectoral collaboration and individual company commitments: 

Sectoral Collaboration

Sectoral pledges include the removal of straws, plastic bag charges and opting out of cutlery for food deliveries.

Individual Company Commitments

Champions from various industries setting targets to reduce and recycle plastics.

Alternative Materials Tool

Do you want to compare different materials that best suit your packaging needs?
Try out the Alternative Materials Tool.